College Now Program
285 Old Westport Road
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
College Now Program
Year Program started: 1968
Max. Participants/Year: 125
Application Deadline: February 26th
Program Timeframe: September - May
Academic Level Targeted: College
Racial/Ethnic Focus: Any racial/ethnic group
Type of Program: Career/academic planning, Counseling, Education
Program Attributes: Non-credit, Counseling provided, Mentors/advisors provided
Program Acceptance Requirements: area of residence (Massachusetts), disadvantaged status (no less than 55% low-income and/or first-generation college students ), no less than 50% ethnic minority, 20% ESL, and 8% students with disabilities
Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: N/A
Additional Comments: "College Now Program" offers a conditional acceptance to educationally disadvantaged students who reside in the state of Massachusetts. Students receive academic and personal support throughout their academic career.