
The Biomedical Science Careers Program (BSCP) inspires members of every race, ethnic background, gender and financial status to ask why not me? We meet the student where they are in their journey, provide a community to network and connect, and with encouragement, support and guidance, help them achieve their potential in pursuit of biomedical science and other science-related careers. This concept is captured in the word HOPE:

Horizons: Expanding the academic and career horizons of students, particularly students of color, will enable our community and nation to meet the future needs of business, scientific and academic organizations.

Opportunity: The development of a diversified, well-balanced workforce requires the linking of educational training and mentoring for students with employment opportunities in science, academia, business and government.

Potential: Supporting the academic capability, desire to succeed and willingness to persevere of minority and disadvantaged youth will ensure that untapped human potential in our community is not lost.

Excellence: The social and economic future of our country rests on our ability to engage all sectors of our society, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, disability or class in pursuit of excellence.


The primary objectives of the Biomedical Science Careers Program (BSCP) are:

Identify, inform, support and provide mentoring for academically outstanding students, particularly Black/African-American, Hispanic/LatinX and American Indian/Alaska Native students. The participants range from high school to postdoctoral level.

Disseminate information on the program in biomedical sciences available to students, particularly minority and disadvantaged students.

Provide a forum for the exchange of information among individuals at various stages in their academic development.

Highlight the need for and use of mentors/advisors in making career decisions.

Improve the communication among physicians/scientists and students at varying stages in their career development.

BSCP positions itself strategically to meet the demand for a diverse workforce by providing its member organizations with connections to qualified, diverse students who can become valued employees in the future.