Field Study in Marine Science
200 Riverway
Boston, MA 02215
Field Study in Marine Science
Year Program started: 1990
Max. Participants/Year: 15
Application Deadline: mid-July 2018
Program Timeframe: August (two one-week sessions)
Academic Level Targeted: Graduate school, Retraining
Racial/Ethnic Focus: Any racial/ethnic group
Type of Program: Education,
Program Attributes: For credit, Non-credit
Program Acceptance Requirements: no prior knowledge of marine science needed
Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: biology, biotechnology, education (health, science), education, science (computer, mathematical), marine biology, oceanography, marine mammal biology
Additional Comments: This program is an introduction to many aspects of oceanography, marine biology, and marine mammal biology. The class is a field experience course and includes a considerable amount of time aboard a 100-foot whale watch boat.