Health Professionals Recruitment Program (HPREP)

Yale University School of Medicine
367 Cedar Street
New Haven, CT 06510

P: (203) 737-2169
F: () -

Director: Nancy Angoff

Contact: Program Coordinator
P: (203) 737-2169
F: () -

Health Professionals Recruitment Program (HPREP)

Year Program started: 1994

Max. Participants/Year: 100

Application Deadline: October - November

Program Timeframe: January - March

Academic Level Targeted: Grades 9-12

Racial/Ethnic Focus: African American, Other Hispanic, Mexican American, Puerto Rican

Type of Program: Career/academic planning, Education, Mentoring

Program Attributes: Non-credit, Meals provided, Books/supplies provided, Mentors/advisors provided

Program Acceptance Requirements: class year (grades 10-12), area of residence (New Haven), matriculation required for volunteers

Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: pre-dentistry, education (health, science), pre-medicine, medicine, nursing, pre-pharmacology, public health, science (biomed), science (health)

Additional Comments: This program is part of the effort of the Student National Medical Association and the Latino Medical Student Association to get high school students involved in health care issues relevant to their communities.