Brown University
Box 1939
Providence, RI 02912

P: (401) 863-2314
F: (401) 863-1961

Director: David M. Targan

Contact: David M. Targan
P: (401) 863-2314
F: (401) 863-1961

Women in Science and Engineering

Year Program Started: 1991

Max. Participants/Year: 800

Program Timeframe: September - May

Academic Level Targeted: college

Racial/Ethnic Focus: any racial/ethnic group

Type of Program: education, research, internship/fellowship, counseling, mentoring, career/academic planning

Program Attributes: non-credit, stipend provided, counseling provided, mentors/advisors provided

Program Acceptance Requirements: women of all ethnic groups

Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: all sciences